
Coordinates and supports the various Clusters.


Caring for Our Faith Community

Caring for our Faith Community, involves many, many people. Although, there are two coordinators, many folk are involved in the care and support of people in our community through home visits, hospital visits, a friendly telephone call, a conversation at coffee time after worship, an offer of a ride and the list goes on. These creative connections are appreciated. If folks have a concern or know of a concern someone has, they are encouraged to be in touch with the church office, the minister or the coordinators. Connections make community!
We have a brochure available at the back of the auditorium or in the church office  to outline the  service provided for the congregation at the time of Memorial Services/ Funerals.
Many people are also involved in caring for our church home. On going maintenance is carried on by a faithful group. At least yearly, a group also supplement our paid care taking, in a cleaning “bee”.
Fellowship events are planned to invite the wider community to enjoy the hospitality of Immanuel. If you’ve been to the Fowl Supper, the yearly Play presented by the Immanuel Players, the Mother’s Day Tea, an evening of dance and music by Rewind, we certainly hope people have experienced our hospitality.
It is our hope that we build community to support our Mission as the church and to provide care for one another and our church home. As an Affirming Community, we accept each other as we are regardless of age, gender identity, health, race, sexual orientation, differing abilities, religious, or ethnic background or economic background.

Living our Faith in the World

The mandate of this cluster is a large one but with enthusiastic and knowledgeable members, it accomplishes a lot.
Weekly Breakfast Program at a local school. A group of volunteers makes breakfast for 50 – 70 children each Wednesday and some stay to help tutor students who need a little extra help with their learning.
Harvest Food Bank: This food security program services the neighbourhood around the church and is organized every other Monday. Coffee and conversation is offered along with a warm welcome and food boxes for those attending. Congregational members also collect food for the emergency pantry at St. Matthew’s Maryland Community Ministry or for use as needed.
Outreach Ministry Support at Christmas. Both financial support and gifts for families are contributed through agencies such as the Manitoba Interfaith Immigration Council, LITE – Local Investments Towards Employment -, and United Church community ministries through 1JustCity.
Just Christmas: This is an initiative of a number of United Churches in the north east part of the city that provides an alternative place to shop for Christmas gifts. Participants sell fair trade products made by or supporting women’s groups in developing countries. Monies raised go back to those local projects.
S.N.O.W. – Safe Night Off Winnipeg streets – a program supported with gifts of new clothes and volunteers from a number of agencies including Immanuel UC. SNOW offers women who work in the sex-trade an overnight of pampering, fun, good food and community in a safe environment.
Amnesty International: The congregation participates in the annual world-wide letter-writing campaign on behalf of political prisoners around the world organized by AI.  The after-service letter writing event is organized by Immanuel members.

Truth and Reconciliation and Relationship. Immanuel has had a long association with the Raymond Flett congregation, a United Church congregation of Indigenous peoples, in the north end of Winnipeg. We try to maintain and strengthen a relationship with its members. As well we are committed to participating in the TRC Calls to Action through educational events in the congregation and participating in wider community events and actions.